Committed to Your Care
Thank you for choosing Texas Health Hospital Mansfield as your provider. We are committed to ensuring that you get the best, most appropriate health care while you are being treated here.
Below are some helpful links to patient resources, hospital information and guest services most requested by our patients.
Before My Stay
Below, you'll find the information you need to make your stay as smooth as possible, such as what to bring with you, how can I pre-register, what if I have special needs and other important information. Please take a look at the content and if you have any questions, please give us a call at 682-341-5000. Thank you for entrusting us with your care.
- Advance Directives
Making health care decisions is an important right for patients and their families.
Every adult with a sound mind has the right to decide what may be done to his or her body during the course of medical treatment. As a patient, you have the right to be told about the nature of your condition, the general nature of the proposed treatment, the risks of not undergoing the treatment, and the alternate procedures available.
To help with this process, the state of Texas has enacted three laws:
- The first, the Medical Power of Attorney for Health Care, lets you appoint someone to make health care decisions for you when you cannot make them for yourself. It allows the patient's substitute to give or withhold consent to any medical treatment.
- The second, the Directive to Physicians (Living Will), lets you specify what treatments you would not want for an incurable or irreversible illness. It allows you to "speak directly" to your physician, even after you cannot speak. A living will applies only to life-sustaining (extraordinary) procedures, and then only in situations involving an incurable or irreversible condition.
- The third, the Mental Health Directive, allows you to tell the hospital what kind of mental health treatment you want in the event you become incapacitated.
The Out-of-Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate program allows people to decide that they do not want to be resuscitated if they stop breathing and their heart stops beating. The program allows people to declare that certain resuscitative measures will not be used on them. Those resuscitative measures specifically listed in the OOH DNR legislation are cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), advanced airway management, defibrillation, artificial ventilations, and transcutaneous cardiac pacing.
OOH DNR forms can be ordered from the Texas Medical Association or downloaded from the web.
You can contact TMA at:
Texas Medical Association
ATTN: DNR form
401 West 15th Street
Austin, Texas 78701-1680
Call512-370-1306 - Recorded information concerning the prices of the DNR form and bracelets.
Learn more on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.Contact information for Patient Experience:
Phone: Call682-341-5255
Email: kristen.mccreight@adventhealth.com - Preparing for a Procedure or Treatment
Once you and your surgeon have determined the need for surgery, you will begin to make arrangements for your procedure. To help you understand its risks and benefits, please discuss any concerns you have with your physician prior to the day of your procedure. Your physician’s office will work directly with Texas Health Hospital Mansfield's operating room to schedule a time for surgery.
In order to ensure the best experience and optimal recovery, a substantial amount of information will be required when preparing for your procedure. Your nurse will need the following information (either during your pre-testing appointment or via a phone interview):
Your medical history, including all other surgeries
- Allergies to medicines
- General health information
- Recent illness, including fever, colds, or rash
- Current prescriptions and over the counter medications
- The use of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs
- Pregnancy status
- Any chronic medical problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure or sleep apnea
- Durable Power of Attorney (if applicable)
Certain documentation is needed to help with your registration and pre-operative care. Gather these documents and information to take with you the day of your procedure or pre-testing appointment.
- Completed advance medical directive
- Insurance cards or forms
- A list of regular medications, including when, how much and the strength of each medication you take
You may need tests performed before your surgery. Your primary care physician, your surgeon and/or your anesthesiologist may order pre-operative testing. These tests may be completed at Texas Health Mansfield, during a pre-testing appointment. You will also be given information about your procedure, anesthesia, and pre-op instructions, including diet restrictions, what medication to take, and other pre-op instructions to follow. The nurse will also gather all necessary medical history, and medical information for your anesthesiologist to review.
To ensure your right to confidentiality, we will not leave any information on a recorder that is not identified as being yours. Therefore, a phone number to contact you is essential.
All patients receiving an outpatient procedure are required to have a responsible driver or responsible caregiver available (neither public bus drivers nor public cab drivers qualify) before a procedure can begin.
- Admission
An Information Desk is conveniently located in the admitting lobby to assist you. For billing inquiries, please contact Customer Service at Call682-341-5000, or, if you are in-house, the information desk will direct you.
Save time by submitting your registration information in advance of your scheduled appointment.
Open from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm; Monday through Friday, Call682-341-5000.
As required by State law, Texas Health Hospital Mansfield will file an annual report of its community benefit plan with the Bureau of State Health Data and Policy Analysis of the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). The report is public information and is available upon request from DSHS, 100 W. 49th Street, Austin, TX 78756.
It is the policy of Texas Health Mansfield to provide charity care to patients who meet the eligibility requirements for such care. Individuals seeking information about the hospital's charity care program and how to apply for charity care should contact the hospital's admitting business office.
- Safety and Security
Fire Alarm
Please remain calm if you hear a fire or disaster alarm. More than likely, it will be a drill as required by governing policies and regulations. If an actual emergency occurs, hospital personnel are trained to handle all possible situations and will assist you accordingly.
Security officers are on duty 24 hours a day to keep our facility safe for our patients, visitors and employees. If you need to reach a security officer, please dial "0" and the operator will assist you.
Smoking Regulations
Texas Health Mansfield is a smoke-free environment.
- Hearing and Visual Impaired Services
A full range of assistive and communication aids provided to persons who are deaf, hearing impaired, or blind, visually impaired, or with other sensory impairments. There is no additional charge for such aids. Some of these aids include:
- Qualified sign language interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired
- A twenty-four hour (24) telecommunication device *(TTY/TDD) which can connect the caller to all extensions within the facility and/or portable (TTY/TDD) units, for use by persons who are deaf, hearing impaired, or speech impaired. TDD number is Call512-438-3011.
- Readers for the blind and large print materials for the visually impaired.
- Alphabet boards and other communication boards.
- Assistive devices for persons with impaired manual skills.
If you require any of the aids listed above, please ask the receptionist or your caregiver to assist you.
*TDD -- telecommunications device for the deaf
- Interpreters
Language is no barrier. If you don't speak English fluently, don't worry. The quality of your treatment will not be limited in any way. Many of our staff are multi-lingual, and they comprise a pool of interpreters who communicate with our non-English speaking patients and visitors. We also have a language service available.
- Social Services
Medical social workers/discharge planners are licensed staff specially trained to assist patients and families with many of the issues that often arise during a hospital stay.
Here are a few of the situations in which a social worker can be helpful.
When a patient is in need of new medical services at home after discharge.
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Home Health Care
- Hospice Care
When a patient is unable to return home immediately after discharge from the hospital.
- Rehabilitation Transfer
- Assisted Living Placement
- Nursing Home Placement
When a patient is interested in executing advance directives.
- Durable Power of Attorney of Healthcare
- Living Will
- Do Not Resuscitate
When a patient is in need of community resources.
- Home Maker Services
- Transportation Assistance
- Medication Assistance
When special needs arise after the birth of a baby.
- Adoption Assistance
- Teen Motherhood Assessments
- Child Safety Concerns
When a patient is involved in a crisis situation.
- Family conflict
- Domestic Violence
- Abuse/Neglect Situations
- Drug/Alcohol Abuse Issues
- Grief/Loss Issues
Social workers can be asked to see patients by many people. They include:
- Physician Requests
- Nursing Requests
- Patient Requests
- Family Requests
If you believe that a patient in the hospital would benefit from a visit from a social worker, please inform that patient's nurse or physician so that they may notify the Social Services Department.
Contact Social Services: Call681-341-5025
- Organ and Tissue Donation
Federal and state regulations require that hospitals ask the family of a patient who has died about organ and tissue donation. If the patient has not indicated his or her wishes, then it is up to the patient's family to make the decision concerning donations. Donation procedures begin only after all efforts to save your life have been exhausted, and death has been declared.
For more information, you can refer to the Organ Provider Organization LifeGift.
- Discharge
Your physician will determine when you are ready to go home and a discharge order will be written. Before you leave, your doctor and health care team members will give you instructions for your continued care.
Prior to leaving the hospital, a staff member may meet with you to discuss your medications, provide education on new diagnosis, and if needed, assist in any "next steps" in regaining optimal health or functions.
Please look around your room as you leave to make certain that you have all of your belongings. Our staff will assist you and your family to the lobby.
If you have questions or concerns regarding your discharge, we encourage you to ask any of our staff.
- Medication Safety Card
As a participant in the Educate Before You Medicate program, everyone is encouraged to carry a list of the medications that you take and provide that list each time you receive care.
Protect yourself by carrying a list including prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, and herbal supplements. The dosage and how often you take the medication should also be listed. Download a printable form that you can carry in your wallet.
After My Stay
- Medical Records
To request a copy of your medical record, please print and complete the Release of Information Authorization Form and mail it to the address below along with a photocopy of a picture ID.
Send requests to the following address:
Attention: Health Information Management
Texas Health Hospital Mansfield
2300 Lonestar Rd., Mansfield, TX 76063
You may also fax your request to Call682-341-5036 or online by clicking on this link.
Please call us at Call682-341-5037 for any questions or concerns.
- Insurance
- Accountable Health Plan
- Adventist Risk Management Inc.
- Aetna (Commercial and Managed Medicare products)
- America’s Health Plan
- AmeriGroup
- Beech Street
- Blue Cross HMO and PPO (Pre Authorization goes through AIM for Outpatient CT, MRI, and Nuclear Medicine
- Blue Cross Traditional
- Cigna HMO, PPO and FlexCare (Pre Authorization goes through Med Solutions for Outpatient MRI, and CT)
- Cook Childrens Health Plan
- First Health – Affordable
- Galaxy Health Network
- Great West - One Health Plan
- HealthSmart
- Humana PPO
- Johnson County Indigent
- Medical Development International
- MetroWest
- Multiplan (BCE Emergis; ProAmerica; Up and Up)
- National Health Alliance
- North Texas HealthCare Network
- PacifiCare HMO and PPO
- PacifiCare Secure Horizions
- ppoNext (HealthStar; Medical Control)
- Texas Healthcare Foundation (Work Injury/Work Comp)
- Texas True Choice
- Tricare
- UniCare
- United Healthcare HMO and PPO
- USA Health Net
- Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance Program
As a member of AdventHealth, Texas Health Hospital Mansfield is a faith-based hospital committed to excellence in providing quality health care while serving the diverse needs of those living in our service area. Financial assistance may be available to patients receiving non-elective (emergent) hospital services who are not covered by any form of insurance or government program. Verification of income and financial information is required.
The following addendum to our financial assistance policy lists physicians providing services in our hospital and indicates whether they participate in our financial assistance program.
Texas Health Mansfield Hospital Addendum Physician Financial Assistance
Please click on the link "Calculation of Amount Owed for Financial Assistance Eligible Individuals" for an explanation of how your uninsured discount is calculated.
Calculation of Amount Owed for Financial Assistance Eligible Individuals
Financial Assistance Documents:
The following documents are included when you access the links below: Summary of our Financial Assistance Policy; Financial Assistance Application; and Financial Assistance Policy.
- English
- Arabic (العربية)
- Chinese (中文)
- Greek(ελληνικά)
- Gujarati(ગુજરાતી)
- Haitian Creole(kreyòl ayisyen)
- Korean(한국어)
- Portuguese(português)
- Russian(русский)
- Spanish(Español)
- Tagalog(pilipino)
- Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt)
You may also consult with a hospital representative for additional assistance and information using the contact information below.
Texas Health Hospital Mansfield
Financial Counseling
2300 Lone Star Road
Mansfield, TX 76063 - Share a Compliment/Concern
- AdventHealth App
Sign in or Create account for safe and simple access to information from your electronic health record.
- Lab Results
- Discharge Instructions
- Immunizations
- Medications
- Allergies
- Patient Education
- Continuity of Care Document
(An electronic medical care summary that can be shared with your physician)
Easy Access to the Tools You Need Healing Made Simple
When you're stressed about details like hospital costs and insurance coverage, it can be hard to get the rest you need for healing. Learn how we can make these and other necessary tasks easier through our online tools, including online bill pay and online scheduling.